Becoming a frum Jew is not a choice anyone should take lightly. It is not easy, or popular. However, it is a journey I would do all over again, and again.
The other day I said something that I've never said in my life. I love my life. Sounds simple, but at no time have I been able to say that before wholeheartedly.
Don't get me wrong I liked my life, and can even say how truly fortunate I have been. But to be able to say that every aspect of my life I love, is an amazing feeling! It is all due to being ba'al teshuva. Baruch Hashem!
A good Shabbos, and a very sweet year in 5769.
This weeks parsha is Netzovim.
1 comment:
Hello Mosaic!
Thank you for adding me to your blogroll.
Wishing you and those you love health, happiness, peace and prosperity in 5769.
גמר חתימה טובה
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