This morning among all the doom, gloom and state of affairs I go the biggest laugh. So I had to share it cause I know everyone will understand.
So check it out:
Naked Clown CalendarLOL!!! Please tell me who does not get the joke here!?
Bozo in the buff — all year long!
Seeking to raise money for MS research, 16 graduates from the Clown Conservatory have unveiled its 2009 naked clown calendar, which features the jolly jokesters posing in nothing but their birthday suits.
Naked calendars in general are not in my line of thinking, and would have been skimmed over but clowns??? Most people find clowns creepy, scary and bring back bad childhood memories! After I laughed for a good two minutes I did read on to find they are shedding the clown shoes for a good cause.
The proceeds from the calendar benefit the Judy Finelli Fund, which supports research and advocacy for cures and treatment of MS.Now personally I would not buy the calendar cause that would be beyond creepy. Even verging on a little twisted, but hey it is for a good cause. So I'll link you in case you want some nude clowns on your wall. LOL!!!!!
The Naked Clown Calendar for MS Research
How very scary and creepy and funny. I am so sending the link to my friends. EEK!
This one was too good not to share, and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thought it was creepy.
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