New completed project from me, too.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Coke Went
This is a fun game to take photographs of a coke can when I go places. It reminds me to take my camera, and to actually use it!
Here is the first:
The Coke went to the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.
Here is the first:
The Coke went to the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

As most people know yesterday new recommendations concerning mammograms have been released by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, a government-appointed, independent panel of medical professionals whose recommendations inform decisions by health professionals and insurers.
This panel recommended that all American women without a family history of breast cancer receive a mammogram every two years between the ages of 50 and 74. The report does not recommend routine screening mammography in women aged 40 to 49 years. Also the report recommends doctors stop advising women to do self-breast exams.
First, please consult your doctor before making changes based on this report, and second know the facts.
The Mayo Clinic and the American Cancer Society continue to recommend screenings for women 40 years of age and older. "Mayo Clinic will continue to evaluate new data on mammography and breast cancer detection as information is made available. But at this time...Mayo Clinic physicians feel it is in the best interests of their patients to offer routine screening mammography."
Women need to protect themselves, and unfortunately this government group has made a wrong call.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Life's Been Busy
No posts from me in quite sometime.It's a wonder anyone even checks here anymore! Well, just to get me on track here are a few items I've made during my break from posting.
Some Aprons for friends:

These are fun to make, and the original idea came from my Grandmother z'l.
A mosaic scale I was commissioned to create:

A friend saw the scale I made for my bathroom and asked me to create one for her daughter in law. Her daughter in law has been battling an eating disorder for 10 years, so this was a special project for me. Even the bottom is mosaiced.
And a necklace I made for me! Love turquoise.

Welcome back to you, and me. Hope to post about 1 - 2 per week.
No posts from me in quite sometime.It's a wonder anyone even checks here anymore! Well, just to get me on track here are a few items I've made during my break from posting.
Some Aprons for friends:
These are fun to make, and the original idea came from my Grandmother z'l.
A mosaic scale I was commissioned to create:
A friend saw the scale I made for my bathroom and asked me to create one for her daughter in law. Her daughter in law has been battling an eating disorder for 10 years, so this was a special project for me. Even the bottom is mosaiced.
And a necklace I made for me! Love turquoise.
Welcome back to you, and me. Hope to post about 1 - 2 per week.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
August = It's Mammogram time

Exercise#1: Visit your garage at 3:00 a.m. when the temperature of the cement floor is just about 25 - 30 degrees. Take off all your warm clothes and lay comfortably on the floor with one breast under the rear tire of the car. Ask a friend to slowly back the car up until your breast is sufficiently flattened and chilled. Turn over and repeat for the other breast.
Exercise #2: Place in the freezer two metal bookends overnight. Strip to the waist. Invite a stranger into the room. Press the bookends against either side of your one breast. Smash the bookends together as hard as you can. Set an appointment with the stranger to meet next year and do it again.
Exercise #3: Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast between the door and the main box. Have one of your strongest friends slam the door shut as hard as possible and lean on the door for good measure. Hold that position for five seconds (while you hold your breath). Repeat again in case the first time wasn't effective enough.
Seriously ladies.
- If you're over 39 you should be having yearly mammograms.
- Every woman should be doing self breast exams, monthly.
- Know the risk factors, and see how many of them you can include or exclude yourself from. Keep your doctor informed of any of these risk factors you do fall under.
- If digital mammograms are available in your area get one. They cost no more than the regular imaging, are covered by insurances also and detect much smaller, much sooner.
Also click here if you want to give free mammograms to women who would not get them otherwise:
breast cancer,
Monday, July 13, 2009
When in a creative rut I look to the people whose art I admire. They inspire me and push me to try do better/more. There are soooo many, but here are just a few I picked at random:

This is NT Candy one of the fabulous mosaic artists on Flickr.
Another one of the people who inspire me:

Carol Shelkin, who also did the amazing mosaic portrait of my Mother for me.
Suzanne Steeves, Lynne - AKA Siriusmosaics , Karen Sasine , Irit Levy and last for the list today Crystal Thomas.
These are just a few of the people who do mosaics, and I can only dream of being in their league. But I love watching their projects! Hope you do, too!

This is NT Candy one of the fabulous mosaic artists on Flickr.
Another one of the people who inspire me:

Carol Shelkin, who also did the amazing mosaic portrait of my Mother for me.
Suzanne Steeves, Lynne - AKA Siriusmosaics , Karen Sasine , Irit Levy and last for the list today Crystal Thomas.
These are just a few of the people who do mosaics, and I can only dream of being in their league. But I love watching their projects! Hope you do, too!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Family Masks
The female members of my family have a tradition of taking our picture with facial mask on, while on vacation. Yes, we are wacky! But we are a fun crew.
Now I cannot confirm the use of margaritas before these shots are taken. ~;)
Here are some sample family masks shots:

Here's to summer and family vacations! Be safe and have fun!
Now I cannot confirm the use of margaritas before these shots are taken. ~;)
Here are some sample family masks shots:
Here's to summer and family vacations! Be safe and have fun!
Friday, May 22, 2009
My Hero

When you see this image of Spc. Zachery Boyd, 19 years old in his pink "I Love NY" boxers, and flip flops in a makeshift bunker what do you see?
When this image first appeared some reporters made fun of this young man. To me this soldier is my hero.
At 19 he is in another country fighting for our freedom, safety and rights. Spc. Boyd is awakened and has only seconds to get his gear, and head to the bunker to engage in a fire fight with Taliban militants. He grabs what he knows he needs: flack jacket, helmet and gun. For me that is what I would grab also. My last concern would be for how I am dressed.
Thank you Specialist Zachery Boyd from Fort Worth, Texas.Hoaah!!!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009
Hate or Fear, What's the difference?

Anti-Semitism - noun: a person who discriminates against or is prejudiced or hostile toward Jews.
I've always been a believer in saying things like they are, and not mincing words. The definition above is just a nice way to say hate. Because isn't that what anti-Semitic behavior is after all?
Just read an article today on how Anti-Semitic hate crimes have risen sharply in the last 5 months, and most especially since Israel had Operation Cast Lead, to defend itself. This past Shabbos we experienced anti-semitism first hand in our community.
Racist and anti-Semitic stickers were placed on our Shul, other synagogues in our area and cars Friday night/Saturday morning sometime. Luckily some of the men from our community removed them before any of the children saw the on our shul.
Interesting how this act happened only a few days before the U.N. Racism Conference. Which has been boycotted by United States, Australia, Germany, Canada, Israel, Italy, Sweden, Poland and the Netherlands. There may be others, but this is the list I found. Note that England and France did NOT boycott. And they wonder why those countries are havens for terrorists.
The conference is a follow-up to the contentious 2001 conference in the South African city of Durban which was dominated by clashes over the Middle East and the legacy of slavery. The U.S. and Israel walked out midway through that eight-day meeting over a draft resolution that singled out Israel for criticism and likened Zionism the movement to establish and maintain a Jewish state, to racism.
Today at the conference Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was allowed to give a speech. To which U.N. diplomats walked out. Surprise! Why did they allow this person to speak? Then he said somethings that were racist, anti-Israel and anti-U.S., so some of them walked out. Why did they not see this coming is beyond me.
Some European diplomats immediately walked out of the room when Ahmadinejad said Israel was created on the "pretext of Jewish suffering" from World War II.
Ahmadinejad has always contended that the Holocaust did not happen. It is not really some revelation that he would speak about it again, given a world forum.
Another excerpt of Ahmadinejad's speech:
In a rambling speech, Ahmadinejad on Monday pointed the finger at the United States, Europe and Israel and said they were destabilizing the entire world.
So not only does he hate Israel and the Jews, but now everyone else is on his list of people to hate. Except I guess for North Korea, who is helping him in his quest for nukes.
After all of this the glaring question is why? Why has this man been allowed to get where he is? Why do we tolerate him testing and building nuclear weapons? Why does our President even suggest the idea of having "talks" with him? Why is he given the platform at a multi-nation conference to say the very things we knew he would? Why?
In this time why do people still hate? What are they afraid of? Is there really a difference in the two? Given the condition of our world don't we as a people have more constructive things to do with our time than to waste it on something so non-productive.
You know what is even less productive than hating, is expecting a different result. We all know people who are that consumed with hate never get passed it. It consumes them like a fire burning a piece of paper. Nothing else matters to them, and nothing will stand in the way of accomplishing the goal of removing the object of their discontent. Nothing.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
It's Not Just About Matzo

As I get down to the very last preparations (YEAH!!!) in my home for Passover, many things come to mind about this time of year. This year in particular has a special event added to the calendar.
The sun rose for the very first time on Wednesday, the fourth day of creation. This Wednesday we will be witnessing the sunrise just as it appeared on that very first Wednesday of creation. In the Jewish calendar this occurs only once every twenty-eight years. The last time that the vernal equinox occurred on a Wednesday was in 1981; the next occurrence will not take place until 2037. This even is called Birkat haChammah.
Birkat haChammah is indeed a rare event—an event that recurs only every twenty-eight years. Even rarer is the occurrence of Birkat haChammah on the fourteenth day of Nisan, erev Pesach, as will be the case this Wednesday. On the morning of the Vernal equinox Jews around the world will make a special blessing, thanking Hashem for creating the sun.
This convergence of the renewal of the sun’s creation (the vernal equinox) and the maturing of the Jewish people (Pesach) is particularly rare. It last occurred in 1925 and the time before that was way back in 1309 (in medieval times). We have over 500 years to wait until 2541 – the next time that a Wednesday Vernal Equinox occurs on the day before Pesach.
We learn that when the sun and moon were first created they were equal in size and importance. The moon complained: "How can two kings rule at the same time." The sun listened to the moon’s complaint but did not say a word. Hashem rewarded the Sun for being satisfied with the job it had been given and made it superior to the moon. As we know now the light of the moon is now nothing but a reflection of the sun.
So many things to learn and contemplate this time of year. Everything is renewing itself, and reminding us of the blessings given to us. Just for a moment think about how incredible it all is, and your heart will almost burst.
Happy Pesach to everyone!
birkat hachamah,
vernal equinox
Friday, March 27, 2009
Freedom Tower Name Changed

The further away our country gets away from 9/11 the less I recognize it.
The Port Authority, the agency that owns the building at Ground Zero, said Thursday that the signature skyscraper replacing the Twin Towers destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001, will be more commonly known as One World Trade Center.
The reason for the name swapping? One World Trade Center is more marketable, said Steve Sigmund, a spokesman for the Port Authority.
The 102-story building, under construction at the 16-acre site, was named the Freedom Tower in the first Ground Zero master plan. At the time, officials said the tallest, most symbolic of five planned towers at the site would demonstrate the nation's triumph over terrorism.
This week the "war on terror" was changed to some PC term. So now marketing is more important than 3,000 people who died? What is going on with America/Americans? When did we stop caring? Our country is in the proverbial hand basket.
What happened to the nation that flew their American flags? Who stopped to help one another? Who cared if we had troops in other countries fighting the war so we could remain free, and safe? Where are those people!?
More and more I am literally afraid for our country, people and future. If you also are feeling this way I encourage you to check out:The 912 Project. Join if you want, but at least read some of the things other people are doing, and saying.
May G-d help us, and good Shabbos.
twin towers
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Spring = Flour
Yes, you read that right. Flour.
Getting ready for Pesach (Passover) we have to use up all our flour/chometz. Today I made extra challah in an effort to get a jump on my Pesach preparations and use up my flour.
This post has a second purpose, too. A ringing endorsement of a flour brand. King Arthur Flour. In this time when companies are struggling I wanted to do my part to say what a great product I've found.
This flour is such a quality product and comes from a company that clearly cares what they are putting out into the stores, it is so worth the time to let others (or at least the one person who may read this post), know.
Making challah (bread) is a huge part of my baking every week. With this flour I've found a significant difference in the results achieved. Using the same recipe I've used for a very long time, the challah comes out so much lighter and better tasting, even my guests have noticed.
The proof is in the pictures:

Getting ready for Pesach (Passover) we have to use up all our flour/chometz. Today I made extra challah in an effort to get a jump on my Pesach preparations and use up my flour.
This post has a second purpose, too. A ringing endorsement of a flour brand. King Arthur Flour. In this time when companies are struggling I wanted to do my part to say what a great product I've found.
This flour is such a quality product and comes from a company that clearly cares what they are putting out into the stores, it is so worth the time to let others (or at least the one person who may read this post), know.
Making challah (bread) is a huge part of my baking every week. With this flour I've found a significant difference in the results achieved. Using the same recipe I've used for a very long time, the challah comes out so much lighter and better tasting, even my guests have noticed.
The proof is in the pictures:

Monday, March 16, 2009
Today is the 3rd anniversary (yahrzeit) of my Mother's passing. She was beautiful, smart and so very talented! Such an amazing person in so many ways.
Here are a couple of pictures of her that I wanted to share.

Yes, that is one of the pet skunks she had on the leash. Showed this to someone recently, and they got such a kick out of it. My Mom was a unique person.
Here are a couple of pictures of her that I wanted to share.

Yes, that is one of the pet skunks she had on the leash. Showed this to someone recently, and they got such a kick out of it. My Mom was a unique person.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Post From: For Zion's Sake
The Vanishing Diaspora Jew
Since the destruction of the Second Temple until very recently, the masses of the Jewish people did not dwell in the Land of Israel. For 2000 years. the majority of Jews dwelled in the Diaspora, among non-Jews. Jews were dispersed in far flung places such as Poland, Morocco, Iran, Ethiopia and even China. They spoke different languages, like Yiddish, Ladino or the local tongue, and differed very much in customs, cuisine and clothing from other Jews in other exiles. Yet, despite intense persecution, massacres, pogroms, suffering and poverty, the Jewish nation survived intact, the many generation since Sinai until the today. Through the force of their dedication and commitment to Judaism, they were able to withstand the most brutal and horrible of circumstances.
Generally, the second or third generation of immigrants assimilates quite fully into the host culture. The only reminder of their origins may be the occasional family cultural celebration, a grandparent with a heavy accent or maybe a trip back to their home country. It is incredible that Jews, dispersed and separated for 2000 years, did not assimilate but always maintained their own identity. Away from their land, with no country to go back to, Jews were able to survive.
Within the span of several generations, a new and frightening trend has emerged. All Jews, until a hundred or so years ago, were religiously observant, fully and wholly committed to Judaism. Because of this, Jews were able to survive the harsh Diaspora. However, today assimilation is taking a frightening toll on Jewish communities in the United States, Canada, Russia and Western Europe.
Consider the following statistics*:
Jewish identity is declining sharply.
Of 5.6 million Jews, 2 million American Jews live in households identified as non-Jewish
60% of Jews below 40 years of age live in households identified as non-Jewish
20% of Jews over 60 years of age live in households identified as non-Jewish
Intermarriage rates are increasing dramatically.
Before 1965, 10% of Jews who married, did so outside the faith.
Since 1985, 52% of Jews who married have done so outside the faith.
Children are being raised as non-Jews.
1 million, or 54% of all American Jewish children under the age of 18 are being raised as non-Jews or with no religion.
Fertility Rates are not high enough to replenish the religion.
The average fertility rate of American Jewish women is 1.4 children per household. The replacement level is 2.1 children.
Less emphasis is being placed on a Jewish education.
In 1962, 540,000 Jewish children were attending afternoon weekend schools, and 60,000 were enrolled in day schools. By 1990, fewer than 240,000 Jewish children attended afternoon /weekend schools and 140,000 attended day schools.
NET LOSS -- 220,000 Jewish children.
Traditional Shabbat observance is extremely low.
Only 36% of Jewish households light the Shabbat Candles.
Of the population that consists of people who were born Jewish and are Jewish by choice, only 11% attend synagogue weekly.
* All Statistics taken from Council of Jewish Federations' 1990 National Jewish Population Survey. This is the most comprehensive source of American Jewish data available
The Jewish population worldwide is sharply decreasing, ravaged by the scourges of intermarriage and assimilation. A census taken before Rosh HaShana 5769 found that the Jewish population worldwide increased by 70 000, only due to natural increase in Israel. A very shocking study found that within 3 generations, 97% of non-Orthodox Jewry in the United States will be extinct.
This is a tragedy of epic proportions. The nation that stood at Sinai and received G-d's Torah barely knows about Purim and Shavuot. The Chosen People eat cheeseburgers, not even knowing that they might be unkosher! Taught by the Jewish Establishment Organizers that "thou shalt melt", Jewish parents sent their kids to public schools, creating a generation of Jewish illiterates who know little more that Fiddler on the Roof, gefilte fish and a Yiddish expression or two. This is the most pressing threat facing the Jewish people today. The apathy of young Jews and their total disconnect and alienation from Judaism should frighten and worry every single Jews who is committed to the future of his people.
During Israel's recent operation in Gaza, Jewish leaders were extremely concerned over the alarming increase in anti-Israel around the world. Not to deny the seriousness of these anti-semitic attacks, the biggest danger threatening the Jewish today comes not from anti-semitism but from assimilation and intermarriage. There is a silent Holocaust going on in the Diaspora as young Jews marry outside of the faith, their Jewishness completely irrelevant to them, a mere accident of birth. Yet, the Jewish leaders are completely silent, doing nothing to try and reach out to our brothers and sisters who are slowly drowning in goyishkeit. If these current rates continue, the future does not bode well for Jewish continuity.
Raised in completely secular environments devoid of spirituality, young Jews look for meaning in other paths and belief systems. They travel to India and live in ashrams, or become Buddhists or Zen followers. These alienated Jews make easy prey for missionary groups like Jews for Jesus who thrive on Jewish illiteracy and ignorance. Most have only the faintest inklings of Jewish rituals, a quick show at "temple" on the high holidays, boring and irrelevant classes at Hebrew School, or a family seder. They have never been exposed to the incredible spirituality in Judaism and are often amazed when they discover that Judaism has a deep spiritual legacy. Intermarriage is only the last step in complete assimilation, finalizing the irrevocable break with the tradition and lineage that extends to Sinai and before, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For generations of Jews, the question of "why be Jewish?" is unimportant. They were sent to public schools, encouraged to interfaith and integrate with non-Jews and now their own Jewish identities are nil.
To any Jew who is reading this article, I beg them please to seriously consider their own Judaism. Their ancestors gave their lives in order that they should live as Jews. Imagine their great-great grandfathers in the shtetls of Ukraine or the juderias of Spain, and how much it would pain them to know that they overcame pogroms and Inquisitions, Crusades and Auschwitz, only for their children to willingly give up their Judaism. Please, I beg you to return home, to your roots and to your people.
May HaShem merit that all of His children should come home very soon.
Since the destruction of the Second Temple until very recently, the masses of the Jewish people did not dwell in the Land of Israel. For 2000 years. the majority of Jews dwelled in the Diaspora, among non-Jews. Jews were dispersed in far flung places such as Poland, Morocco, Iran, Ethiopia and even China. They spoke different languages, like Yiddish, Ladino or the local tongue, and differed very much in customs, cuisine and clothing from other Jews in other exiles. Yet, despite intense persecution, massacres, pogroms, suffering and poverty, the Jewish nation survived intact, the many generation since Sinai until the today. Through the force of their dedication and commitment to Judaism, they were able to withstand the most brutal and horrible of circumstances.
Generally, the second or third generation of immigrants assimilates quite fully into the host culture. The only reminder of their origins may be the occasional family cultural celebration, a grandparent with a heavy accent or maybe a trip back to their home country. It is incredible that Jews, dispersed and separated for 2000 years, did not assimilate but always maintained their own identity. Away from their land, with no country to go back to, Jews were able to survive.
Within the span of several generations, a new and frightening trend has emerged. All Jews, until a hundred or so years ago, were religiously observant, fully and wholly committed to Judaism. Because of this, Jews were able to survive the harsh Diaspora. However, today assimilation is taking a frightening toll on Jewish communities in the United States, Canada, Russia and Western Europe.
Consider the following statistics*:
Jewish identity is declining sharply.
Of 5.6 million Jews, 2 million American Jews live in households identified as non-Jewish
60% of Jews below 40 years of age live in households identified as non-Jewish
20% of Jews over 60 years of age live in households identified as non-Jewish
Intermarriage rates are increasing dramatically.
Before 1965, 10% of Jews who married, did so outside the faith.
Since 1985, 52% of Jews who married have done so outside the faith.
Children are being raised as non-Jews.
1 million, or 54% of all American Jewish children under the age of 18 are being raised as non-Jews or with no religion.
Fertility Rates are not high enough to replenish the religion.
The average fertility rate of American Jewish women is 1.4 children per household. The replacement level is 2.1 children.
Less emphasis is being placed on a Jewish education.
In 1962, 540,000 Jewish children were attending afternoon weekend schools, and 60,000 were enrolled in day schools. By 1990, fewer than 240,000 Jewish children attended afternoon /weekend schools and 140,000 attended day schools.
NET LOSS -- 220,000 Jewish children.
Traditional Shabbat observance is extremely low.
Only 36% of Jewish households light the Shabbat Candles.
Of the population that consists of people who were born Jewish and are Jewish by choice, only 11% attend synagogue weekly.
* All Statistics taken from Council of Jewish Federations' 1990 National Jewish Population Survey. This is the most comprehensive source of American Jewish data available
The Jewish population worldwide is sharply decreasing, ravaged by the scourges of intermarriage and assimilation. A census taken before Rosh HaShana 5769 found that the Jewish population worldwide increased by 70 000, only due to natural increase in Israel. A very shocking study found that within 3 generations, 97% of non-Orthodox Jewry in the United States will be extinct.
This is a tragedy of epic proportions. The nation that stood at Sinai and received G-d's Torah barely knows about Purim and Shavuot. The Chosen People eat cheeseburgers, not even knowing that they might be unkosher! Taught by the Jewish Establishment Organizers that "thou shalt melt", Jewish parents sent their kids to public schools, creating a generation of Jewish illiterates who know little more that Fiddler on the Roof, gefilte fish and a Yiddish expression or two. This is the most pressing threat facing the Jewish people today. The apathy of young Jews and their total disconnect and alienation from Judaism should frighten and worry every single Jews who is committed to the future of his people.
During Israel's recent operation in Gaza, Jewish leaders were extremely concerned over the alarming increase in anti-Israel around the world. Not to deny the seriousness of these anti-semitic attacks, the biggest danger threatening the Jewish today comes not from anti-semitism but from assimilation and intermarriage. There is a silent Holocaust going on in the Diaspora as young Jews marry outside of the faith, their Jewishness completely irrelevant to them, a mere accident of birth. Yet, the Jewish leaders are completely silent, doing nothing to try and reach out to our brothers and sisters who are slowly drowning in goyishkeit. If these current rates continue, the future does not bode well for Jewish continuity.
Raised in completely secular environments devoid of spirituality, young Jews look for meaning in other paths and belief systems. They travel to India and live in ashrams, or become Buddhists or Zen followers. These alienated Jews make easy prey for missionary groups like Jews for Jesus who thrive on Jewish illiteracy and ignorance. Most have only the faintest inklings of Jewish rituals, a quick show at "temple" on the high holidays, boring and irrelevant classes at Hebrew School, or a family seder. They have never been exposed to the incredible spirituality in Judaism and are often amazed when they discover that Judaism has a deep spiritual legacy. Intermarriage is only the last step in complete assimilation, finalizing the irrevocable break with the tradition and lineage that extends to Sinai and before, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For generations of Jews, the question of "why be Jewish?" is unimportant. They were sent to public schools, encouraged to interfaith and integrate with non-Jews and now their own Jewish identities are nil.
To any Jew who is reading this article, I beg them please to seriously consider their own Judaism. Their ancestors gave their lives in order that they should live as Jews. Imagine their great-great grandfathers in the shtetls of Ukraine or the juderias of Spain, and how much it would pain them to know that they overcame pogroms and Inquisitions, Crusades and Auschwitz, only for their children to willingly give up their Judaism. Please, I beg you to return home, to your roots and to your people.
May HaShem merit that all of His children should come home very soon.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Where's Your Money?

Normally I don't post things with any kind of questionable language, but today I make an exception.
Jon Stewart interviewed Jim Cramer the guy from CNBC's Fast money about his show, and comments he made about his part in the state of our Wall Street. Today Jon Stewart is my hero!
There are 3 parts to the interview, but so worth the watch!
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
When people on television get honest we all benefit from the real questions. Jon Stewart clearly is angry over this whole situation, and I applaud him for standing up to be counted.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Yesterday was Purim, and it was lots of fun!
Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. It commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination. Again, someone tried to kill off the Jews.
On Purim we have 3 major obligations we must fulfill.
1. Hear the Book of Esther 2 times. Once in the evening, and once in the morning.
2. Giving monetary donations (tzedukah) to the poor and needy.
3. Giving Mishloch Manos (gifts of food) to friends, family and community.
We also celebrate Purim by having a Purim Seuda, Purim feast is during the day of Purim. There's that theme again of 'They Tried to Kill Us,We Won,Let's Eat!'
And Purim is the one holiday or time of the year where Jews are commanded to drink. According to the Talmud, a person is required to drink until he cannot tell the difference between "cursed be Haman" and "blessed be Mordecai". Now this does not mean the person is supposed to become intoxicated to the point of not following commandments, but to relax and enjoy.
Some of the students from two of our schools came by to collect money donations. This is always one of my favorite parts!
They sing, or have a skit, rhyme, poem, etc. They have on costumes, and it is fun! Here are the groups we had this year.
Yeshivas Aish Kodesh

Bina Girls High School

Hope you had a freilichen Purim!
Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. It commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination. Again, someone tried to kill off the Jews.
On Purim we have 3 major obligations we must fulfill.
1. Hear the Book of Esther 2 times. Once in the evening, and once in the morning.
2. Giving monetary donations (tzedukah) to the poor and needy.
3. Giving Mishloch Manos (gifts of food) to friends, family and community.
We also celebrate Purim by having a Purim Seuda, Purim feast is during the day of Purim. There's that theme again of 'They Tried to Kill Us,We Won,Let's Eat!'
And Purim is the one holiday or time of the year where Jews are commanded to drink. According to the Talmud, a person is required to drink until he cannot tell the difference between "cursed be Haman" and "blessed be Mordecai". Now this does not mean the person is supposed to become intoxicated to the point of not following commandments, but to relax and enjoy.
Some of the students from two of our schools came by to collect money donations. This is always one of my favorite parts!
They sing, or have a skit, rhyme, poem, etc. They have on costumes, and it is fun! Here are the groups we had this year.
Yeshivas Aish Kodesh

Bina Girls High School

Hope you had a freilichen Purim!
Monday, February 23, 2009
It's A Bris! Everybody...Whence

Bris Milah is the covenant G-d established with the Jewish people. The words, bris milah, mean "Covenant of Circumcision". It is the sign attesting to the everlasting covenant that G-d established with Abraham (who was 99 years old when he circumcised himself!), and his descendants (Genesis 17). It was then reiterated through Moses 500 years later: "And on the 8th day he shall have his foreskin circumcised" (Leviticus 12:3).
The bris also is when the name of the baby boy is announced for the first time after the circumcision, and many brachas (blessings). The father gives his son a name that usually is from the Torah or Parsha for the week. This little angel is Neftali. Such a life renewing moment!
Though we all feel for the baby boy as he cries everyone in the room has a heart that is full. Full of the blessings for the child's life, his family and all Jews.
Watching the mother is particularly hard. Just 8 days past giving birth, she can only watch from the mechitza as her son cries. We all know she is not only feeling a strong pull to hold and comfort her infant, but such joy and closeness to Hashem that could only be understood by other mothers.
The whole process takes about 20 minutes. Most of which is spent by the congregants reading tehillim, and blessings for the baby and family, and the Mohel describing the process.
Then of course we eat. Jews and food just seem to go together! Seriously, it is a mitzvah to take part in a bris, and the seudah that follows.
Welcome Neftali Scwhartz!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Too Long
Been far too long since I've been able to create something. Between fundraising, teaching, contracts, and having pneumonia there has just been no time.
Well, last night while in the basement doing laundry I peeked around the corner to my area where I mosaic. Suddenly I had to sit down and work on a project that has been sitting in the same spot for 3 months. Dang, it felt good!!!
This is not a very artistic creation, but one that I've had in mind to do. So about 32 months ago I gathered all the things to make it, and there it sat. Till now.
Here are a few images of the work/progress so far.

My goal is to finish this project by the end of next week. Not sure if I can do that with everything going on, but anytime I can steal is going into this.
Feels good to make something again.
Well, last night while in the basement doing laundry I peeked around the corner to my area where I mosaic. Suddenly I had to sit down and work on a project that has been sitting in the same spot for 3 months. Dang, it felt good!!!
This is not a very artistic creation, but one that I've had in mind to do. So about 32 months ago I gathered all the things to make it, and there it sat. Till now.
Here are a few images of the work/progress so far.

My goal is to finish this project by the end of next week. Not sure if I can do that with everything going on, but anytime I can steal is going into this.
Feels good to make something again.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
History is Repeating
When I first started this blog it was not my intent to post anything political. It was a place for me to share my artistic pursuits. However, I've come to the conclusion that if it is on my mind and in my heart, it is worth posting about. If for no other reason but to get it off my chest.
Does anyone remember Neville Chamberlain from your history lessons?
Neville Chamberlain was British Prime Minister from 1937 - 1940. He was best known for his appeasement foreign policy, and of course the Munich Agreement he sign with German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, in 1938.
In this "agreement" that Chamberlain was so pleased for having gotten Herr Hitler's signature on, was supposed to make peace with a dictator who already had begun to put his plan into action. This whole process just bought Hitler time, and made him look legitimate. We all know how that turned out.
This morning I find that President Obama is, and has been since November, penning a letter to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. News of this literally made me cry. With Israel in the precarious position it is in, this is the last thing we need.
History is repeating itself, and no one seems to be in power who wants to stop it. Why? Can anyone please tell me why no one wants to stop this train wreck from happening?
Former Presidents Carter and Clinton tried to do the same thing with Iran. Each attempt was a failure. The developing foreign policies of the new President are not looking to supportive of Israel or Jews in general.
This also concerns me on another front. The U.S. military. My son needs a President who will give him the support he needs while he is defending our country. Currently in Afghanistan for the rest of his 15 month deployment, he should be assured his country is there for him. Not the man who is supporting terrorist worldwide, and building nuclear weapons. Even after being told by the U.N to stop!
Everything going on in the world now is headed in one direction, and personally I'm afraid for all of us.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Israel Tehillim List

Good Shabbos, and please say tehillim 83, 130 and 142.
Gilad ben Aviva Shalit - kidnapped Israeli soldier that Hamas claims was injured in air raids on Gaza;
Li'el Hoshea ben Miriam – critical (enoshot) head injuries;
Wahal Mijan – critical (enosh), has metal shards in his brain, has had 3 operations & doctors are battling to save his life;
Ben ben Netiva – critical (enosh) with head injuries & has had 1 hand amputated & doctors are battling to save his other hand;
Neriya ben Rivka – very serious head injury;
Noam ben Aliza - one leg amputated; doctors fighting to save the other;
Yosef Chaim ben Ziva – very seriously injured on the entire left side of his body- regained consciousness yesterday BH;
Dvir ben Laya - seriously injured in his legs;
Raphael ben Dina – very seriously injured;
Elishama Shalom ben Rivka Leah
Oren ben Chaya – seriously injured shoulder & hand – has had 1 finger amputated;
Ronen Chai ben Leah – seriously injured
Ron ben Havatzelet – seriously injured with shrapnel over all of his body;
Eitan ben Sarah – very serious leg injury;
Gal ben Hedva – seriously injured with shrapnel to his jaw & mouth;
Ran ben Merril – moderate shoulder injury;
Idan ben Nadi – moderate shrapnel injuries;
Yitzchak ben Navah - moderate shoulder injury;
Netanel ben Navah - moderate shrapnel wounds to a lower extremity;
Ohad ben Bracha – moderate facial injuries;
Maxim ben Olga - light lower leg injury, operation to remove shrapnel;
Yisrael ben Ilana - light shrapnel injury to an ear;
Yo'ad Ido ben Frieda Elka- light shrapnel injuries;
Idan ben Liora - light shrapnel injuries;
Nadav ben Miriam (Maria) - light shrapnel injuries;
Sagi ben Osnat – light shrapnel injuries to his leg;
Omer ben Dorit – light shrapnel injuries to legs;
Evgeny ben Elizabeth – leg injury
Lior ben Mazal
Oleg Dizengoff
Avi Cohen
Roni Rapaport
Yaakov Wolf - hit by shrapnel in his neck that miraculously missed his jugular vein BH
Moshe ben Eidi – head injury
Wounded civilians:
Gavriel ben Sarah from Sderot – child in severe shock from kassam attack;
Yakov ben Rivka - very seriously injured from kassam rocket;
Bat El Hila bat Phoebe – moderately injured from kassam rocket that
fell in Netivot
Gila bat Odelia – moderately injured by kassam attack in Netivot
Kidnapped & Missing Soldiers:
Ron ben Batya (Arad)
Guy ben Rina (Hever)
Tzvi ben Pninah (Feldman),
Yekutiel Yehuda Nachman ben Sarah (Katz),
Zecharia Shlomo ben Miriam (Baumel)
This week's Parsha is Vayechi.
Gaza: Faces of War
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Eretz Yisrael Needs You

Though he is fighting a battle almost no thinks can be won, or the rest thinks Israel has no right to fight at all, he still makes sure he puts on his tefillin to daven. G-d bless him, and all the IDF troops.
For those people who want to do something to help Eretz Yisrael, and the IDF troops I want to share this information my Rav, Rabbi Chaim Silver, passed on to us last night at our communities Kinus tefillah prayer service.
“Operation Tefillah, Torah & Troops,” has been launched. Endorsed and guided by Rabbi Simcha HaCohen Kook, the Chief Rabbi of Rehovot, Israel, and the Bostoner Rebbe (Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Horowitz) of Har Nof, Israel, people from around the world are partnered with soldiers in the IDF. Each person who takes part in “Operation Tefillah, Torah & Troops” is paired with an Israeli soldier, and is responsible to say tefillot (prayers), learn Torah, and do special acts of chesed (kindness) on behalf of that soldier.
Rabbi Kook and the Bostoner Rebbe note that this concept is one that has been a part of the Jewish people for thousands of years. When Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) led the Jewish people to war with the nation of Midyon, for every person who went to battle, there was a designated person who was responsible for praying and learning for him. Throughout his reign, David HaMelech (King David) utilized this practice as well.
To participate in “Operation Tefillah, Torah & Troops” and receive the name of an Israeli soldier who needs your prayers, send an e-mail to the office of Rabbi Kook at
For those who cannot for whatever reason commit to this much, you can still daven tehillim. In particular: Psalm 83, 130 and 142.
Every tefillah makes a difference! It’s the least we can do.
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