When I first started this blog it was not my intent to post anything political. It was a place for me to share my artistic pursuits. However, I've come to the conclusion that if it is on my mind and in my heart, it is worth posting about. If for no other reason but to get it off my chest.
Does anyone remember Neville Chamberlain from your history lessons?
Neville Chamberlain was British Prime Minister from 1937 - 1940. He was best known for his appeasement foreign policy, and of course the Munich Agreement he sign with German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, in 1938.
In this "agreement" that Chamberlain was so pleased for having gotten Herr Hitler's signature on, was supposed to make peace with a dictator who already had begun to put his plan into action. This whole process just bought Hitler time, and made him look legitimate. We all know how that turned out.
This morning I find that President Obama is, and has been since November, penning a letter to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. News of this literally made me cry. With Israel in the precarious position it is in, this is the last thing we need.
History is repeating itself, and no one seems to be in power who wants to stop it. Why? Can anyone please tell me why no one wants to stop this train wreck from happening?
Former Presidents Carter and Clinton tried to do the same thing with Iran. Each attempt was a failure. The developing foreign policies of the new President are not looking to supportive of Israel or Jews in general.
This also concerns me on another front. The U.S. military. My son needs a President who will give him the support he needs while he is defending our country. Currently in Afghanistan for the rest of his 15 month deployment, he should be assured his country is there for him. Not the man who is supporting terrorist worldwide, and building nuclear weapons. Even after being told by the U.N to stop!
Everything going on in the world now is headed in one direction, and personally I'm afraid for all of us.
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