Anyone who has read here in the past most likely knows I am passionate about informing people about breast cancer awareness.
Some background, and some facts:
This year in America, more than 211,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at the rate of 1 every 3 minutes, and 43,300 will die. One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. However, this is not only a disease that affects women. In the U.S. a1one 600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and 400 will die this year. If breast cancer is detected early, the five year survival rate exceeds 95%. Self breast exams and mammograms are among the best early detection methods, yet 13 million U.S. women 40 years of age or older have never had a mammogram.
What does all of this mean? It means for myself and many others breast cancer either is already or will become personal, this year. For me it has started already with the loss of my Mother on April 1, 2005, as well as my maternal Grandmother June 20, 2003. The reality for me also means that my sister's and myself have an increased risk of breast cancer 5 fold that of the average person due to our family history, being of Ashkenazic decent and just the fact we are women.
So I wanted to pass along some great links for information.
Help Give Free Mammograms by clicking
Get BC Facts
ACS Informs
How to do a self breast exam
For more information just do a search. I don't link to specific fundraising sites because that could take to infinity, and beyond. However, giving is always needed for researching a cure. So find an organization that you believe in, and donate.
Lastly, please schedule your mammograms.
As a young survivor of breast cancer thank you for caring and passionate. I have been cancer free for over 8 years now.
Thank G-d you're okay, and cancer free! I had no idea you were a survivor.
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