One of my big rules is discussing politics. It is something that people should never discuss with each other unless they are in complete agreement.
Like during football season my husband and I cannot watch it together. He is from Texas, and therefore a devout Dallas Cowboy fan. Me on the other hand am a Washington Redskin fan because of being in Virginia. See the problem? Luckily, my husband and I see eye to eye on politics.
This years presidential election is one that is a real bone of contention with most people. Tonight though I read and saw something on WorldNetDaily.com that completely, and totally terrifies me.
ELECTION 2008There is a complete article, but the video posted with it is the cherry on top of my nightmare. Whether you are an Obama supporter or not, you have to see how frightening this is.
Farrakhan on Obama: 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
'Barack has captured the youth,' will bring about 'universal change'
Louis Farrakhan is a hate monger who incites racial, and religious discourse. In particular he has a dislike for the Jews. Barack Obama has affiliations with 2 people who dislike Jews and whites. Louis Farrakhan and Reverend Wright. We won't even go into William Ayres right now.
With some of the things being revealed about the friends of Barak Obama it seems to me there are too many unknowns about this man to have him elected. Especially being Jewish and white.
Are you scared? I seriously am, and had to say.
1 comment:
McCain's age does not concern me at all. It is really a non issue.
Barack Obama has more problems than just his associations. His policies lack of experience, and World view all concern me, and Joe Biden is a joke.
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