We will be having Shabbos dinner in our Sukkah, and it is perfect weather for the evening. Love fall and winter!
The last few weeks have been chock full of yom tovim, and Shabbos always comes when you need a break most.
Good shabbos, and yom tov.
mo·sa·ic - noun - composed of a combination of diverse elements.
ELECTION 2008There is a complete article, but the video posted with it is the cherry on top of my nightmare. Whether you are an Obama supporter or not, you have to see how frightening this is.
Farrakhan on Obama: 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
'Barack has captured the youth,' will bring about 'universal change'
It's the 7th day of Adar, 2488, the last day of Moshe's life. Exactly 120 years earlier the world was graced with the birth of a child who brought redemption to his people and the light of Torah to the world. He became a prophet of unparalleled greatness who led his nation through a miraculous 40 year journey to the edge of the promised land.And we think we have it tough. We live in a world where everything is easy, and instantaneous. Moshe waited all his life to enter Jerusalem, only to learn he would die before setting foot in the Promised Land. Yet still, he continued to do the work of Hashem, and prepare the Jewish people for what lay ahead.