Read this letter to the editor on YWN, and had to re-post it here. It is short, to the point and so true.
Dear U.N., E.U. and all other Anti-Semitic organizations out there.YWN Original PostSpeaking for Israel and Jews all over, I would like to express my sincerest apologies. It appears to me that we have upset you, for we had the audacity to defend ourselves against the Arab murderers who are only trying to do what you want them to do, namely kill us all.
Now I know this must be hard to accept, I mean for years now your organizations have been working tirelessly around the clock to attain world peace. By world peace I of course mean a world without an Israel in it. I’m sure it kills you every year when you receive a new globe for your desk with all the new countries, and you still see a tiny Israel there. How dare we continue to exist? When the world clearly does not want us around!
I can bring you proof of that fact by listing thousands of incidents throughout history in which the Jews were killed mercilessly for no reason other then being Jewish. But I won’t since that is too much to type - instead I’ll bring you the past few months.
For the past few months, day after day, rockets continuously land in Jewish towns; on schools, nurseries, prayer halls and many other such military locations. Yet for some reason the U.N., E.U. or any other international committee haven’t even had a thought about mentioning the rockets, forget about condemning them.
But lo and behold when after the Jewish Sabbath I look online for the news and what do I see? Israel had the Chutzpa to defend itself. How dare we? Who are we, as a country to even think about it? To try and stop a peaceful people living in Gaza, (which by the way in an election, practically unanimously voted in a terrorist organization in as government) from their lifelong dream of driving my people into the sea? How dare we?
Thankfully, you in the U.N., E.U., BBC. CNN, and all other Anti-Semitic organizations out there, didn’t let us down. Why in a matter of minutes you were out and condemning Israels aggression and unprovoked attack against innocent Palestinians. Your responses were amazing and expected, considering your well-known rabid hatred for Jews. Immediately condemning us, and demanding that we stop immediately, and yet you somehow forgot that just last week in one day over a hundred rockets landed in Israel.
The fact that your average Jew living in Israel has friends who have no parents, buried siblings, are missing limbs, or traumatized for life due to the peaceful Arabs, you couldn’t care less about that. But the second we fight back, a nation which is well known for letting others kill us while we give them the money and weapons which with to do so, you world out there go crazy and condemn us to the hottest fires hell has to offer.
Well in that case, what I have to say to all you Jew hatters out there is “TOUGH LUCK”. Because for the first time in many years I am actually proud of Israel and what they are doing, and to them I say, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BECAUSE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
Submitted to YWN via email by Levi K.
1 comment:
I am proud of them too, its about time.
The depth and breadth of ignorance and bias in the media and the UN is simply stunning.
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