If you know what the picture is, thank an art teacher.
The girls high school asked me to teach art this year...OY VEY!
So this is taking a lot of recall on my part since I've not been in art school for years! Kind of scary actually.
I'm trying to work out my curriculum, and supplies list to turn into the board. It is a lot tougher than I originally had thought it would be.
The hardest part for me right now is the lesson plans. Trying to create them without having more crafting, than art. I really find myself trying to discern more which is which, and really who decides what is art and what is craft? I'm soooo confused!
Embarking on teaching art (thank goodness it is only 1 day per week), to teenage girls will be not only a challenge, but an extreme joy. I'm looking forward to this probably more than they.
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