Embarrassing moments in public. We've all had them at one time or another. Those times when you wish a giant hole would swallow you up to save you from the embarrassment. These are the moments when you are shocked and horrified at what a goober you have made of yourself in public. First you look around real quick to see if anyone saw you ,then try to carry on as though nothing has happened.
Turn it around when you are witness instead of subject, and this can make for some side splitting amusement. There are those surprise faux pas that you rarely see, but then there are the ones most everyone has seen.
Here are some classics:1) Your at a nice restaurant having a great dinner. There is an attractive woman who makes her way across the room to the restroom. This is the woman that everyone notices, and she knows she looks great, too. As she emerges from the restroom to make her elegant walk back to her table you notice the trail following her. As you look down you realize she has TP stuck to her $545.00 Manolo Blahnik shoe. Instantly you giggle, and have to point this social faux pas out to all at your table.
2) Your at work, and one of your male co-workers comes into your office. As you discuss some work related issue you happen to notice that his fly is unzipped. You try to keep your eyes away from that general region so when he does realize his social faux pas he does not know that you knew. What's worse is you see him make his way back to his desk, and stops to speak to a few other men in the office. Not one tells homeslice that his fly is open. Why is that? So sometime later this poor guy finds his fly open, and thinks back to when he last unzipped. Only to come to the conclusion that is was hours ago, and everyone has seen it and never mentioned it to him.
3) Another classic would be when you see the car going down the road with the dress or coat shut in the door. On most occasions this is when the weather is really bad and the object of clothing is most likely ruined when they get to their final destination.
4) And who has not seen the poor unsuspecting woman come out of the bathroom with her skirt tucked neatly into her pantyhose. What a nice shot that is from behind.
Social faux pas are life's way of letting us know that we not only should laugh at ourselves, but others as well. For if we take ourselves or life too serious that is when the faux pas will befall you.