Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Best of 2009? Me? Really?

Yes! :)

Two of my projects posted on Craftster were voted best of 2009!

Craftster Best of 2009 Winner
I'm a Craftster Best of 2009 Winner!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Conquer Those Fears

No matter who you are, we all have fears. Last week I decided to beat one of my fears. Now, this was not anything major, but simply a fear of failure.

My fear of failure was in trying to make something, and having it be a complete bust. Now mind you I am no stranger to making and failing, so this was not a baseless fear.

So what was this thing I was afraid of failing at? Making Bobka. You can stop laughing now.

Seriously I've wanted to make bobka, but was afraid it would be a a huge cooking fail. Well, low and behold it was a success!

The recipe made four loaves, and they are all gone!

Lesson learned: Go slay those dragons! ~: )