Bris Milah is the covenant G-d established with the Jewish people. The words, bris milah, mean "Covenant of Circumcision". It is the sign attesting to the everlasting covenant that G-d established with Abraham (who was 99 years old when he circumcised himself!), and his descendants (Genesis 17). It was then reiterated through Moses 500 years later: "And on the 8th day he shall have his foreskin circumcised" (Leviticus 12:3).
The bris also is when the name of the baby boy is announced for the first time after the circumcision, and many brachas (blessings). The father gives his son a name that usually is from the Torah or Parsha for the week. This little angel is Neftali. Such a life renewing moment!
Though we all feel for the baby boy as he cries everyone in the room has a heart that is full. Full of the blessings for the child's life, his family and all Jews.
Watching the mother is particularly hard. Just 8 days past giving birth, she can only watch from the mechitza as her son cries. We all know she is not only feeling a strong pull to hold and comfort her infant, but such joy and closeness to Hashem that could only be understood by other mothers.
The whole process takes about 20 minutes. Most of which is spent by the congregants reading tehillim, and blessings for the baby and family, and the Mohel describing the process.
Then of course we eat. Jews and food just seem to go together! Seriously, it is a mitzvah to take part in a bris, and the seudah that follows.
Welcome Neftali Scwhartz!