My father is 76, and was diagnosed with PD in 1999. It is my belief though that he had symptoms for about 5 years prior.
My Dad has always been a health nut. He did advanced aerobics for 15 years. Windsurfed, rode and showed Tennessee Walking horses. Ate well and overall took good care of himself. So when he was diagnosed it was such a shock for everyone.
Here we are almost 10 years later, and he is doing reasonably well. Better than most people his age without PD, in part to the fact he did take care of himself. Even now he still goes to the gym 2 - 3 times per week, using the treadmill and doing weight training.
Over the last few years he even took up doing woodworking. Making things with his hands for others. His big (size 13 ring), beautiful, gentleman and father hands.
Now though, there has been more change in him over the last year than before. In part I blame his age to this much change in the brief time span. Most people don't even notice the changes, but since I see him all the time I see them. And it makes me sad.
To me PD is one of those people who comes into a restaurant alone that is not so crowded. However, for whatever reason does not want to sit alone. So PD decides to sit with someone else, and taps you on the shoulder when you least expect it.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"