Friday, September 26, 2008

Last Shabbos of the Year

Wow, that sounds weird doesn't it? Hard to believe we are at the new year again.

Becoming a frum Jew is not a choice anyone should take lightly. It is not easy, or popular. However, it is a journey I would do all over again, and again.

The other day I said something that I've never said in my life. I love my life. Sounds simple, but at no time have I been able to say that before wholeheartedly.

Don't get me wrong I liked my life, and can even say how truly fortunate I have been. But to be able to say that every aspect of my life I love, is an amazing feeling! It is all due to being ba'al teshuva. Baruch Hashem!

A good Shabbos, and a very sweet year in 5769.

This weeks parsha is Netzovim.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Had to Share! CLOWN Humor!

In the morning I peruse many news sites to get caught up on everything. I go to the Jewish news sites, the local paper for obituaries, and then I get all the national/international news.

This morning among all the doom, gloom and state of affairs I go the biggest laugh. So I had to share it cause I know everyone will understand.

So check it out:
Naked Clown Calendar

Bozo in the buff — all year long!

Seeking to raise money for MS research, 16 graduates from the Clown Conservatory have unveiled its 2009 naked clown calendar, which features the jolly jokesters posing in nothing but their birthday suits.
LOL!!! Please tell me who does not get the joke here!?

Naked calendars in general are not in my line of thinking, and would have been skimmed over but clowns??? Most people find clowns creepy, scary and bring back bad childhood memories! After I laughed for a good two minutes I did read on to find they are shedding the clown shoes for a good cause.

The proceeds from the calendar benefit the Judy Finelli Fund, which supports research and advocacy for cures and treatment of MS.
Now personally I would not buy the calendar cause that would be beyond creepy. Even verging on a little twisted, but hey it is for a good cause. So I'll link you in case you want some nude clowns on your wall. LOL!!!!!
The Naked Clown Calendar for MS Research

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beautiful Things

Anyone who reads here knows I have Turrets of art, and craft work. I love it ALL!!!

Over on Flickr I have the pleasure of seeing so many beautiful things from people I've come to know through their work. Such talent you would not believe. So I wanted to post a sampling of the treasures I see, and in no particular order.

Beauty in glass, Polymer clay and tile:

Beauty in fabric, thread and needles:

Seeing all the amazing things people create and the talent they posses, is like having a museum of my very own everyday. I love creative souls!

Good Shabbos, and this week's parsha Ki Savo.

Friday, September 12, 2008

How Can You Spot the Gefilte Fish in the Ocean?

He's the one with the carrot stuck to him...

If you have never had gefilte fish let me give you a few words of wisdom.
  • Don't eat the kind in the jar with the "gel". It is not worth the effort to open the jar.
  • Do eat it like any other kind of fish. Because that's what it is, fish. So use your lemon juice, tartar sauce or even cocktail sauce.
  • If you're not Jewish chances are you won't like gefilte fish. I think it is in our DNA that we automatically like it.
There is a platter I made for my Shabbos gefilte fish, and it always makes me smile.

The idea comes from the wonderfully fun book Judaikitsch: Tchotchkes, Schmattes and Nosherei, and was done at one of those paint your own pottery places. Totally fun!

Of course the lettering is a goof on the Latin name for the gefilte fish, but something about the paos and kippah crack me up. I'm easily amused.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Shabbos!

This week's parsha is Ki Setze.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

7 Years Ago Today

Please, don't forget why my son and thousands of other men, and women are serving our country in the various branches of the military.
Freedom is our national treasure, and we do have to protect it.

G-d bless America.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Break Stuff to Make Stuff

Who did that song, "Break up to make up, that's all we do"? That is similar to me and my mosaics. Yeah, I break things so I can simply put them back together again. Silly huh?

Mosaics were first introduced to me on the internet when I was searching for some crafting/art inspiration. The mosaic I came across was a incredible looking, and had such symmetry. Which being the anal perfectionist that I am it appealed to me right away. And no, I do not recall the mosaic. Figures huh?

Now some 2 years later this month I still love seeing, and playing with pieces of pottery, china, glass and other bits. It is like doing a jigsaw puzzle, but there is no box top picture to refer to for answers.

Today I wanted to post a few of my mosaic pieces, and in no particular order here they are.

Blue Flowers ( real creative on the name thing aren't I?), was a swap gift. This was one of my favorites, and it was hard to ship it off.

Shul Cart (there's that name thing again), was a collaboration between me and my dad. He built the cart, and I mosaiced the top. It was very rewarding on many levels.

Flow was my first glass on glass mosaic. It was created for my living room window. I went on to create two lamps for the same room in the same type of design, and colors.

The Sun and Moon mirrors were created for our bedroom. The celestial bodies have many connotations for us personally, and I love looking at them everyday.

So there you have a few of my mosaics. Creating them is something I love so much, but have so little time for lately. But I really have to work on that name thing...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Shabbos with Hurricane Hanna

This Shabbos should prove to be a rather wet, and nasty one weather wise. Hurricane Hanna is due to arrive in time for some cholent for lunch on Saturday. Although just now she is a measly tropical storm.

Hurricanes are never welcome particularly to those of us on the east coast, but when they are coming for Shabbos it presents a whole new set of things to add to your before Shabbos starts "To Do List". But it is funny we always seem to take it in stride, and even make jokes about it.

Rain gear for walking to and from Shul.
Have towels at the ready for drying off ourselves, and guests.
Plan on a hat or snood instead of the shietal.

and the list goes on...

Since I'm not a fan of the unexpected guest, sure is nice to know Hanna is coming. So the cholent pot is on, and no matter the weather Shabbos day will still be beautiful as well as welcome.

This week's parsha is Shoftim.